Not currently available
Kids Track
260m The shortest track is a safe 200m loop This track is very close to the accommodation and camping area |
Sunrise Track
1.4km Take an easy stroll to the mail box Oive is in her mid 70's and walks this road most mornings If she can do it so can you |
Sunset Track
3.6km This bottle tree has been photographed by people from all over the world Grab your walking shoes and take a stroll to the sunset Allow 30 minutes each way as you'll probably get distracted taking pictures of whip tailed wallabies and red dust Yes it will be getting dark on your way home, but it's a well worn farm road - so you'll never get lost |
Lookout Track
1.4km Extend the walk to a 2km loop Fill your water bottle and take a stroll to one of the nicest overview of the farm The terrain is pretty flat with some undulation The tracks are mostly car width and some are narrow paths. |
Wallaby Hill Track
11.2km up and back 12.2km loop Go to our outback paddock Put a stone on the time capsule cairn which we made to celebrate the millennium in 2000 Carl drove Lyn and her bike there (shame we didn't take a picture of the nice view) it only took 30 minutes to ride home Note: There are a few farm gates to open and close |
The routes are easy enough and will satisfy the average bike rider who wants a bit of outdoor fun, fitness and adventure without all the serious business. There are plenty of shady spots to stop and take in the scenery.